
Not a Fad

Join us for this eye opening video sermon about God's Holy Bible, and so much more. Do you think the Bible is living and Relevant in todays world? See this proved by the 4 points of this message.

Who is God? - Part 1

How do God the Father and Jesus Christ define Their names and roles throughout the Bible? Are they divided and separated? Or, are they "one" in ways that humans cannot grasp in our limited state? Let God through His Word…

Live in Logos (and His truth)

The approach of this message is to use truth as a lens through which to view the things of God. We in the Church of God are accustomed to this concept.For example, the first four commandments can be viewed through…

Proving the Bible is the Word of God

Listen to this sermon to learn why the Bible is true. PowerPoint presentation available for download.

The Greatest Code Ever Written

John 1 tells us that the Word - Greek, Logos - (v.1), Who was the actual Creator (v.3), became flesh (v.14). But why, in this particular context, would it emphasize His name, while at the same time not even mentioning…

Live in Logos

Expressed truth is the most fundamental and powerful force in the universe, and that living fully in truth is one and the same with living in Christ, the Logos, The Word of God.

The Nature of God

The God Being Who Came in the Flesh as Jesus Christ was also the God Being Who Interacted with Humans in the Old Testament
A Bible opened to the beginning pages.

"In the Beginning Was the Word"

The apostle John opens his account of the life of Jesus Christ with this declaration: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All...