
Seven Good Reasons for Trials in Our Lives

Why does God put trials in our lives? What can we learn from trials? What characteristics do trails build?

The Fruit of Patience

Dave Cook discusses one of the fruits of the spirit and some of the aspects of long suffering.

Grow in Patience

We must take a long breath before we speak or act so as to be good ambassadors of God trying to maintain a loving relationship with others

Growing in Godly Patience

Patience is a virtue that is growing increasingly rarer today. What does scripture say about patience? This message discusses the example God set for us in being patient.


Longsuffering is one of the attributes of God's character and is also a part of the fruits of the spirit described in Galatians 5:22. God's patience gives us more time to overcome. When God allows trials for our spiritual growth…

Loving to the End Through Self Sacrifice, Longsuffering, and Commitment

Christ set us an example of how he loved and served others up to the very end of his life. Emulating that love during one’s life can be challenging. Christ's life holds many lessons but now let us consider how…

Lessons from the Days of Unleavened Bread in 2019

Here are three lessons that we can learn from the Days of Unleavened Bread in 2019: 1) we learn more from our mistakes than our successes, 2) removing spiritual leaven is an ongoing process, and 3) it helps immensely to…

Greater Than Man

Is man the ultimate being? God is far greater than man and is in control of the entire universe.

God Who Suffers Long

The fruit of God's holy spirit can be likened as beautiful pearls stringed together. Contrast this with the fruit of Satan: a heavy chain of lead. The fruit of God's spirit results in life, blessing, and goodness. On the other…

The Fruit of Long-suffering

God wants us to become more like Him, and He is incredibly patient and long suffering with us. Today we discuss the value of this fruit and how it affects our relationship with God and each other.