
Let Godly Love Truly Define Us All!

Jesus Christ said that His followers, His disciples would be known by the love that they have for one another. Here are three principles to help us all grow in Godly love, so Godly love may truly define us all!
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The Role of the Enemy

Jesus tells us to love our enemy. We can use this command to improve ourselves.

Love Your Enemies

Kirk Talbott discusses the difficulty we have in actually loving our enemies as Christ commanded and compares it with the love that we naturally have for children.

Known Only to You

Each of us is unique. We may have commonality in beliefs and in God's spirit, but we have our own perspective. All of us have had different formative experiences that include pain and being hurt by others. Through it all…

God Love

We should be living a life that God is pleased with. How? Love God. Love Neighbor. Love Enemy. Josifek expands on these principles.

Love My Enemies?

Sermon in Spokane, Washington. It's natural and easy to love those who love us. Loving our enemies is considerably more difficult. But we are commanded to do so, and this message has some tips on how we can do that.

Love Your Neighbor

God intends for us to develop Godly unity by first going to Him, then loving all His created humanity by His love

Loving Our Enemies

Three points on how we can be better able to love those who do unkind or hurtful things to us.


I love old movies! I love the character and morality that many of them seem to portray.

My Enemy Next Door

How is it possible to love someone you consider your enemy?