
His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

Loving Our Enemies

Even if we cannot change our enemies, we are to change ourselves to be like Christ.

Are We there Yet?

In II Timothy 3, Paul gives a list of attributes of End-Time society. How many of these do you see happening around you and are you where you need to be in your relationship with God and Jesus Christ?


What is kindness? What examples of kindness and unkindness do we have in the Bible? What action steps can we do to develop kindness in our lives?

I No Longer Call You Servants

To obey and truly believe God, is to be a friend of God.

Attributes of Jesus Christ, Part 3

Part three of this series continues to identify the characteristics that Christ had and exhibited in his daily life. Jesus was the perfect example of compassion, patience, meekness, humility and many more characteristics outlined in this message.