
Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

On the Road to Damascus

Saul hated the very name of Jesus and believed that Jesus was a blaspheming heretic who could not be the Messiah. He zealously hunted down Christians and violently persecuted them for corrupting what he believed was true religion. After Christ’s…

Jesus as a Man

Why did Jesus have four different disciples record His life, message, death, and resurrection? They all had a different perspective on Jesus' life. There was a reason for this. Luke had a specific point of view. What was it?

The Story not told About the Birth of Christ

Excellent video sermon on facts and time line of the birth of Jesus Christ. Do you know the time of the year of Jesus's birth? join us for the answer to this question and more in this excellent study on…

Why the Synoptic Gospels?

The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke seem to appear together in the early 60's AD. Why so late? And does that appearance have anything to do with the heresy that Paul is fighting at the same time? This sermonette…

History of the New Testament Church

Last time in part 1 we did some background on Luke, and the two books that he wrote––the gospel of Luke, and the Acts of the Apostles. Today we will complete our examination of the Acts of the Apostles and…

History of the New Testament Church

Why do our beliefs differ so much from others? The doctrinal beliefs we hold dear are a result of our faith in the validity of Scripture over traditions, or secular human history. Many churches make the claim that their doctrines…

Why Does God's Church Today... Have Problems?

Anyone who has been in God’s Church for a while soon discovers that the Church of God is composed of human beings and the problems associated with being human. It can at times be discouraging and even challenging to our…

Do We Have Valid Testimony to the Life of Christ?

The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?

Acts 27: Paul begins his Trip to Rome

In a continuing series of messages about the book of Acts, Philip Aust discusses chapter 27 and the voyage that Paul and his companions embark on to Rome, and the lessons that we can glean from this dramatic account.