
It Is Time to Wake Up!

Paul admonished the church in Rome, " is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed". Could you be asleep spiritually? Do you clearly see what's going on around you?

Beware of the lesson of the Titanic

Lessons from the Titanic may be applied spiritually to our Christian’s life. Being spiritually lethargic is just one such area which can expose us in times of difficulties to eternal death.
Media Production

Message to Laodicea

What can we learn from Jesus' message in Revelation to Christians in Laodicea?

What Makes God Sick?

We've heard the phrase, "That makes me sick!" - a reaction to something that repulses us, making us want to do everything we can to get away from it. Have you ever wondered what could elicit a similar response from…

Intro to Laodicea

In a split-sermon, Jonathan Beam discusses the ancient city of Laodicea, described in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, and the lessons that we can learn from the admonitions given to the Christians in that city.

Lesson From Laodicea

Excellent video sermon about the Laodiceans and what it means to be lukewarm, and not hot or cold.

Are You a Conditioned Laodicean?

How are you processing the news of the day? Are you discerning the signs of the times? We have been shocked so many times we are beginning to behave like laboratory animals. In Satan’s laboratory of spiritual and moral conditioning…

Passing The Covenant to the Next Generation

God's covenant blessings and promises would pass to Jacob but not Esau. What was the difference between these two men? What does it mean for you?

The Inner Man

In this world of constant distractions, we must take time to focus on our "inner man". In order to do this, we need to make sure we are making opportunities to have "wilderness" moments with God as Jesus Christ did.

At the End of Unleavened Bread - Are We Hot or Lukewarm?

On the Last Day of Unleavened Bread, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses the spiritual condition that God wants us to have by the end of these days. We should be striving to be hot -…