
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16).

Picture of a person with finger over their lips.

The Ten Commandments Series

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20).

Abominable and Detestable

In this message, we explore things that God finds abominable. Do you understand what makes God say, "That stinks!"?

To Tell the Truth

Lying should have no part in the life of a Christian. Do you have the wisdom, courage, and trust in God to never lie?

To Tell the Truth

Lying should have no part in the life of a Christian. Do you have the wisdom, courage, and trust in God to never lie?

Who Gets Lied to the Most

Who gets lied to the most, and who does the lying? This message encourages us exercise introspection and determine if we could be deceiving ourselves in several potential ways that if left unaddressed could lead to difficult consequences.

Lying- Is It Really That Bad

A good sermon on the sin of lying and why it is so unacceptable to God and so bad for our Christian Character

The Whole Truth

Satan hates the truth. He is a liar and brings his lies into this world. Is there a city in this world that is based on truth and righteousness? This sermon takes a closer look at obeying the ninth commandment.

The Half Truth

Politicians are often made popular by running each other down with half-truths. Their strategy is not always to beat the opponent on the issues. Sometimes they try to build popular opinion by using half-truths and speak against their opponents’ faults…

Are We Seekers of the Truth?

In Proverbs 6, David lists, under inspiration, seven things that God hates; getting to know God involves our knowing His likes and dislikes. Two of those items directly reference lies, deception, and the truth: a lying tongue and a false…

What's so bad about lying?

What does God say about lying? What is the end result for those who do not overcome lying? In this message we will look at the ninth commandment and the importance of obeying it.