Media Production

The Message of the Antichrist

The Bible says that great deception will be foisted upon the world before Christ’s return. Could you be deceived?

Biblical Clues Point To "The Man Of Sin"

Let's look at the biblical record to identify clues regarding the "Man of Sin"

Biblical Clues Point to “The Man of Sin”

This sermon looks into the biblical record to identify clues regarding The Man of Sin.

The Great Deception

This Bible Study covers the "great deception" covered by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessolonians. This is tied into the prophetic timeline laid out in Revelation 13.

The Man of Sin Revealed

With the continent of Europe facing crises in terrorism, economic disarray and hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa in recent years, it is hard to imagine Europe as a cohesive, influential superpower in the future…

Daniel Chapter 8

In this chapter we meet the historical figure Antiochus Epiphanes, the eighth king of the Syrian dynasty who was descended from Alexander the Great’s general Seleucus. Antiochus Epiphanes sought to destroy God’s people, the Jews. However, God's people at the…

The Man of Sin Revealed

A study in Daniel and Revelation to get some hints of who the Man of Sin is. We Look at the "falling away" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. This sermon also looks at seven points to revealing the Man of Sin.
A photo illustration of the man of sin.

A Man Who Would Make Himself as God

The apostle Paul issued a warning about the spirit of antichrist that would infiltrate the Church.
A shadow silhouette of a man with arms in the air.

What Did the Apostle Paul Mean by a "Falling Away" in the End Times?

Why will people follow a great religious leader during what many call the great falling away or the great apostasy?
A man walking in a dark tunnel.

Who is the Antichrist? What does the Bible say about the Antichrist?

Bible prophecy of the end time talks about a mysterious figure called the Antichrist (also called the "man of sin" and the "false prophet") before the second coming of Christ. But the story starts even earlier.