
Preparing the Bride of Christ

How is God preparing us, preparing His family to assist Him in the Kingdom of God, and why is God preparing us?

Why didn’t Jesus Christ ever marry?

The family, the marriage covenant, the human physical procreation, child birth, the growth process, what we eat, how we care for our body, what we say, etc... they all point to a far greater spiritual meaning and implication. This sermon…
silhouette of man proposing to woman on a beach seen through a ring up close

What You Need to Understand About Your Future Spouse

God is building a spirit family for the future, an important part of which is that His family will have godly character. He helps us develop that character through the lessons and experiences we gain from our physical families now...

Biblical Requirements in Marriage

Marriage is a wonderful gift from God and His Word gives us guidance in how to have a happy one. This message will briefly consider requirements God has of husbands and wives within their marriages.
A couple standing on a bridge with umbrellas

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

God intended marriage to be a lifetime date, but it is very easy to take our mate for granted. Emma’s story shows the importance of expressing love and appreciation every day.

God’s Reason for Only Heterosexual Marriage

What about the God-ordained role of the sexes? What is the God-ordained meaning of marriage? This message reinforces the reason for heterosexual marriage—despite what laws in various countries may say otherwise, or even penalize for preaching about.

Extraordinary Matrimony

Does your life have a holy purpose? This sermon focuses on the life and lessons of a New Testament couple that sets the tone for a godly marriage.

The Church Marriage Mystery (part 1)

The Bible is clear---Jesus Christ (the Last Adam) will marry the Church. But what does this really mean? The answer begins "in the beginning" with the creation and marriage of Adam and Eve before human sin entered the world.

Covenant With Christ

We should be willing to give up our spiritual life as we yield ourselves in our covenant with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

From Friendship to Relationship

On the Sabbath in Kennesaw, Georgia, before a large crowd gathered for the 2020 Southeast Regional Prom (that evening), Jay Ledbetter, pastor of the Knoxville and Kingsport, TN and London, KY, spoke about the need to develop deep interpersonal relationships…