Marriage and Family

Family is the structure of civilization, and healthy family relationships give us security, stability, and happiness. Many of us do not have this experience in our pasts, but it is never too late to build up your family moving forward. Ask for God's blessing in your family and use these resources to work toward a peaceful, happy family.

A family playing together.

The “Respect for Marriage Act”

New legislation has imbedded same-sex “marriage” into U.S. law. To what end? And does this law actually respect marriage, a divine institution established by God?
A family walking in the woods.

Want to Raise Successful Kids?

When my friend noted that we had raised “successful adults,” she was might have been thinking about some of the typical measures of success, but she was actually referring to the kind of success—which I’ll refer to as true success—that...
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Respect for Marriage

In direct conflict with the Word of God, the United States Congress is attempting to codify law that will allow same-sex marriage. As Christians, we have a duty, regardless of the consequences to preach the truth.
Parents talking to their young children.

How to Talk With Your Children About Frightening World Events

While the news can be troubling, with God’s help, parents can provide truth and balance to help their children feel secure and hopeful.
A couple sitting on the floor talking.

God’s Instruction Manual for Sex and Marriage

God made us male and female and gave mankind the institution of marriage. He also gave us an instruction manual for sex and marriage so that these might work as He designed to fulfill His purpose.
A family in the kitchen.

Sex, Marriage and Family

God created human beings male and female so that we might enjoy a loving sexual relationship in marriage leading to families. But what is the spiritual significance and purpose God has in mind?
A family in a field.

Sexual Identity

New attacks on the Bible and biblical teachings from society and governments demonstrate the spiritual danger of the times—and for Christians to not fall into these deceptive snares.
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There is value in families that feature both a father and a mother, both for the family members and for society.
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Gray Divorce

It's always tragic when marriages end in divorce; it's worth it to work through the tough times to gain a richness and depth to your relationship.
A dad playing with his kids.

Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.