Marriage and Family

Family is the structure of civilization, and healthy family relationships give us security, stability, and happiness. Many of us do not have this experience in our pasts, but it is never too late to build up your family moving forward. Ask for God's blessing in your family and use these resources to work toward a peaceful, happy family.

A family looking at a book.

Seven Counterfeit Values Ensnaring Society

The world around us prizes qualities that are ultimately worthless and harmful. Your awareness of them will help protect you and your children.

A Lesson From the Elephants

The family unit is extremely important to God. When the family unit is disrupted, or injured, the results can be far reaching, and affecting many people beyond just that small group.

Summertime is Family Time

Why are families so important? What spiritual parallels are we to learn? If we focus on strengthening our families this summer, we will be a blessing to ourselves, to our community, to our neighbors, to our country, to our church…

The Vital Role of Fathers

Families are a very special thing in the eyes of God and they are under attack. Are you, as a father, protecting your family?

Cultural Trends Influence Our Children

The forces of evil are out there to destroy the family and to undermine true values. Are you doing your part to combat it and shape the next generation?

Developing a Conscience in Our Children

Through the increase of horrific acts of violence perpetrated by our nation’s youth, we see the results of the decreasing of our nation’s conscience. How do we develop a conscience in immoral society?

The Blessings of Children

How does God view children? What instructions should we give children? What are children’s roles?

Children at Risk

What is the importance of family? How can family relationships affect children? How can healthy children be raised?

Why We Honor Our Fathers

'Honor your father and mother’ is the first commandment with promise. The Bible shows us reasons to honor our fathers as well as our spiritual Father.

Preparing the Bride of Christ

How is God preparing us, preparing His family to assist Him in the Kingdom of God, and why is God preparing us?