
Christ-Centered Service

Part 1 in a series of sermons that will explore service and care within our local congregations. As a starting point, we must explore and understand Christ-centered service and consider how our approach to service should emulate that of our…

Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

Mothers and Mentoring

Considering the role of mothers (women) and mentoring.

Iron that Sharpens Iron

Are you a person who is willing to learn? Do you recognize the opportunity to learn with each interaction you have with others? In today's world there is a lot of discussion around the importance of mentoring. The bible tells…

The Legacy of Your Example

As we live our lives, do we live in a way that leaves a positive and Godly legacy?

Jesus Christ Our Ultimate Mentor

By examining ourselves we see ways in which we can make changes. By better following Jesus, trusting in Him, letting go of self-seeking and drawing closer to God in prayer.

Top Ten Pretty Good Rules for a Successful Christian

Several celebrities have listed their top rules for their success. Here is a list of pretty good rules for the successful Christian.
What Makes a Good Mentor?

What Makes a Good Mentor?

Life on Campus: Finding Good Mentors

Life on Campus

Is there anyone we, as Christians, can look to as a mentor on a college campus? And if so, what can we expect from the mentoring relationship