
Does God Punish You for Others' Sins?

Some people believe they are under a family curse because of Exodus 34:7. Does this passage mean children are guilty for their parents’ sins? If not, what is God saying here?

Exodus 34:6: God of Mercy

What is God’s demeanor toward us when we make mistakes? In Exodus 34:6, God presented Himself to Moses by describing His key attributes. He began by describing Himself as “rachum.” What does it mean for God to be “rachum”?

Do You Have Mercy?

We live in a harsh, judgmental world. We shouldn’t let the influences of this world affect how we treat our fellow man. Let’s treat each other with the same mercy and compassion that God has for us.
Media Production

Life's Detours: Part 2

One way God leads and guides us through the detours of life.

Why Fast?

Scripture places a great deal of emphasis on fasting. What are we showing God and Christ when we fast? Of the examples given in scripture of people fasting what were the major reasons for their fasting? How does God view…

How Can You Know You’re Going to Make It?

Will you make it into God’s Kingdom? How can you know you’re going to make it? We will discuss three points today that show you that you will make it.

Appreciating God’s Mercy

The object lesson for the days of Unleavened Bread is not just to remove the old leaven. We are to be putting Christ in us so we bear much fruit. This message covers the importance of the mercy of God…

Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

The Mercy of God

It is important to know God. One of God's important attributes is His encompassing mercy. This message highlights what the Scriptures say about the mercy of God.

The Apple of His Eye

God showed His love and mercy to ancient Israel time and time again. He is showing that same love to His church today.