
Wonders of the World Tomorrow

David Fitch shares a message looking at seven wonders that God will bring to this world in the millennium.

God of Our Hearts and Minds

Scott Krohn looks forward to the millennium, when mankind will have peace, but will this occur immediately? Two areas are examined where hard lessons will still need to be learned, so that all nations will come to know God.

The Creation and the Restoration

The days of Creation have a remarkable connection to the future times of restoration. Join this study to explore the wonderful connection between the 7 days of Creation and what God will do as He restores all things!

Love Isn’t Manufactured

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the millennium, a type of first year of marriage - but to get to that marriage, the relationship has to go through a lot of tests: do I really want to marry this person? Meanwhile…

The World We’ll Inherit!

This sermon explains what it will take to turn the world that’s been wrecked and decimated into the world we will inherit as the Kingdom of God.

Three Pillars of the Millennium

On this last day of the Feast of Tabernacles let’s ask a question: WHAT ARE THE THREE PILLARS OF THE MILLENNIUM

The Millennium

Beyond the tumultuous time of today lies the promise of a transformed world of peace and plenty- the age of Christ's glourious reign on Earth- the Millenium

The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead

Join us for this very interesting video study of the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Do you believe you have an immortal soul? Do you know what happens when you die? The answers to these questions and much…

Earthly Renewal in the Millenium

What happens to the earth at the return of Christ and during the Millenium? Consider the many inspiring references in the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testaments that speak to the physical changes that will take place…

The Time is Now

Career work has an ending. We all look forward to the time we can relax and enjoy retirement, but is that all there is to life? God's work is both physical and spiritual. We need to combine both of these…