
The Mindset

There has to be a mindset present in each one of us that says that we believe what we are doing. We believe who we are and we believe in what God is doing.

The Mind of Christ - Fasting

We are to continue putting on the mind of Christ in our lives. We are to study the Bible as a way to do so. One of the lessons that we see in the Bible is that of fasting. How…

Faith to Live With

In Luke 18, Jesus asked this question; 'When He comes, Would He really find faith on the earth'? How can we be confident and assured as we deal with the volume of negative things we encounter? Let's examine some of…

Marriage and Baptism

Baptism and marriage are both covenants, or commitments, with God. What are the parallels between these two covenants and how do they apply to us?

Do You Have the Mind of Christ?

God's mind is infinite, and we see only a tiny part of the great mind of the Great Creator. Christ was sent as our role model to show us and reveal God's mind for us. Phil. 2:1-5 instructs to have…

Do We Understand Jesus Christs Role

Join us for this amazing study on the Role of Jesus Christ in each of our lives. Are we pleasing God in our relationships and our everyday lives? The answer to this question and more in this video sermon.

Bearing the Fruit of Self Control.

How well do we control our everyday attitudes, emotions, or behaviors? Remember that God offers us the help we need to make the necessary changes in all areas of life.

Let This Mind Be In You

How can we have the mind of Christ in us? How do we know if we have the mind of Christ in us? How do we know if we are on the same path as God is? "Let this mind…

Why We Study

Why it is so important that we study our Bibles and keep our minds focused on where they should be

Spiritual Battle Fatigue and How to Avoid it

Listen to this sermon to learn about spiritual battle fatigue and how to recognize the signs and symptoms in order to avoid becoming a victim of this disease.