
Angels as a Lens into God's Power

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/18/20 There are many misconceptions about angels and many times we don't think about the role of angels. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth discusses how we can better understand God and this plan by examining the role…

Scriptural Misunderstandings

Many scriptures, if misunderstood, have a completely different meaning than context and other biblical references prove they have. Therefore, it's important to review to make sure we're properly understanding the precious truths God wants us to know.


The term Anti-Christ carries with it a lot of confusion. There exists so much conjecture about who or what will fulfill this role in prophecy. While it can be interesting to speculate to the specifics of these things, the Biblical…

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

If you have ever “judged a book by its cover,” you have let the first impression of someone become a lasting one. This story of two hunters pictures the importance of looking deeper into the pages of others’ lives, into...