
What Does It Mean?

Those present at the first Pentecost in the New Testament raised the question "What Does This Mean?". If the Church is to fulfill the mission God gave it, this question must be answered. This sermon will address that question and…

Habakkuk's Dilemma

Doesn’t it seem as if most people today just don’t care and won’t listen to God’s true message and warnings through His Church? Well, if you have ever thought this you’re not alone. About 2,600 years ago, the prophet Habakkuk…

Proclaming Christ in an Age of Ambiguity

We live in an age where people look down on others who are strong and sure about their beliefs. Society today wants no solid rules or absolutes by which to live. But we must not follow that path. We can…

These Last and Final Days

How could Peter speak of his own time as "these last days"[Acts 2:17]? Was he wrong? Had he given in to his own private interpretation of scripture? Was he just being overly optimistic about how much time was left until…

This Same Jesus

Acts 1:9-11 recounts Jesus' disciples witnessing an inspiring sight -- that of Jesus being taken up into heaven, and a cloud receiving Him out of their sight. Two men stood by them as they watched and said, "Men of Galilee…

A Church Led By the Spirit

The Vision of the United Church of God is to be a Church led by God’s Holy Spirit. We will discuss how the Holy Spirit leads us and gives us the guidance, direction, protection, and correction we need to fulfill…

Who Are We? What Are We? Why are We Here?

God and Jesus Christ created all things, therefore, they own all things. Jesus was willing to and did die for us. Now, why would He do that?

The Mission and Vision of United Church of God - Why Are You Here?

None of us can explain why God called us, individually out of the world and into the most important work in the Universe. And it begs the question, "Why Am I Here?" The United Church of God has developed a…

What is Our Mission?

Can we be the one to make a difference? Can one person really make a difference? The Bible has examples of people that made a difference for both good and bad, we have to ask God for courage and the…

God on Goals - What Does the Next Year Hold For You?

Living without having planning ahead can lead to frustration and a life with achievement. In this sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, Philip Aust, pastor of the two churches, discusses how we can set goals in our…