
Money and Wealth in the Bible

Speaker: David Marigian 2/29/30 This message looks at God's view of money and wealth, and what should be our view of money and wealth. We see that God approves of the use of money and wealth if we have the…

The Perils of Success

Economic success is often the sole driving force in this world. Yet reaching the height of success in this world does not fill us up without God in our lives. Success has destroyed more lives than failures ever could. This…

Our Offering is More Than Just Money

Through the scriptures we find that maintaining good relationships and living a life of sacrifice are a necessary part of our financial offerings.

Managing What God Has Given Us

How well do we manage the blessing of the money God shares with us? Some do very well because they have learned and have the discipline to manage their finances. On the other hand, there are many of us who…

The 10th Commandment

As wealth in our society grows so does income inequality, which creates more resentment and frustration as we are increasingly tempted to covet those things we see that belong to our neighbor. Yet covetry goes well beyond money, but instead…


What does the Bible tell us about our relationship with money.

It All Goes Back In The Box

Men's love of money has corrupted our financial systems. There is a better way, and God will bring it.

Our Focus With Money

Money is important in the world today. How should it be important to us? It is not wrong to have lots of money, to be rich. However, it is not to be our main priority. It is not to be…
A man with his arms on his head.

What Does It Mean To Be Poor in Spirit?

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," Jesus said. Here's what that means.

Are You Poor Enough?

Have you ever thought about what it means to be poor? We most often think about dollars and cents when when we think about poor, but what about our attitude? Have you ever seen anyone have a 'poor' attitude? Have…