
The First Commandment

Where do your values come from. What guides your moral and ethical path? Pro 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Where the American Culture is Headed the Next 20 Years

We are now almost two decades into the 21st century. It seems like yesterday that many people were in hysteria about the Y2K bug when we rolled over into the year… 2000. But, the last 20 years has seen a…

Where Did My Country Go?

In recent years the United States has changed dramatically. The country is moving further away from God, Church and the Bible. As we continue to watch the events in this world let us keep our eyes focused on our country…

What are YOU going to do about it?

With tragedies like school, church and synagogue shootings happening on a regular basis, what should we as Christians do about it? We know that evil will only be removed at the return of Jesus Christ, so what should we do…

Moral Dilemmas

Attendee input and discussion on how to deal with certain moral dilemmas as individuals or as a congregation, providing insight into what elders have to deal with as they carry out their duties to serve and counsel.

Parable of the Talents

Jesus used parables to teach His followers. Why did He do this? Parables reveal moral truth and show Godly actions vs human actions. Parables provide teaching in a more palatable form for those seeking to discredit Jesus.
What Have We Become?

What Have We Become?