
What is True Holiness?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question – what does it mean to be holy?

Independence Day

The men who signed the declaration of Independence, would be alarmed at the moral state of our country.

Avoiding Lawless Entertainment

Do we outwardly proclaim Gods word while the things we seek for in entertainment denies Him? Entertainment today is sinking exponentially to new moral lows. We must to be careful in what we seek to be entertained by and watch…


How do we make choices? God gave Israel rules to live by.

Now and Then

We live in a country that is turning its back on God and a world filled with trouble. The modern descendants of Israel are prophesied to fall suddenly, and the world will be an even darker place. We are in…

Building Godly Moral Character

Our country does not live by the morals and religious beliefs that the founding fathers intended when writing the constitution. Our country continues to get worse, by rejecting morals and religious faith. Building character takes determination and resolve.

Advice to Youth

Times have changed since you were a youth. The morals and character of America have deteriorated greatly in a short time. What were you taught about living life and how to have success in marriage?

Write Them on the Tablet of Your Heart

Pastor Bart Bornhorst speaks about how the heart shows our personal convictions and values. What do we value in our life? What defines us? It is our morals and character. What do we treasure in our life? Because that is…

Shifting Cultural Values

We live in a time of shifting moral values.
