
The Origins of Baptism

In a split-sermon, Jon Davies discusses the meaning and Old Testament origins of the practice of baptism.

Numbers 25-27

This Bible study begins with the seduction of the children of Israel into perversion by the Midianites thereby arousing the anger of God which resulted in the death of 24,000 of the Israelites. Another census is taken of the Israelites…

Numbers 20-21

This Bible study begins when Israel has come to the 40th year of wandering in the wilderness and with a brief notice of Miriam’s death, followed a few years later by the death of Aaron and later Moses.

Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

Jesus’ Identity

Many people think Jesus of Nazareth came to do away with the law, replacing law with grace—but did He? Few things could be more important to you than understanding this matter! A careful study of Scripture shows that Jesus was...
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“For the Law Was Given Through Moses, but Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ”

John never stated or implied that no form of grace came through Moses. John understood that everything good has come by God’s grace—including the law revealed through Moses.

The Transfiguration

This split-sermon is about what occurred during the transfiguration of Christ. This event had a profound effect on God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the disciples - Peter, James, and John. It is also about the deep meaning this event…

No Compromise

This sermon reviews the effects of compromising God's Law in one's life and its serious penalties by reading biblical examples. These stories are reminders to not be slack regarding God's Word.

The Waters of Strife

At Meribah, Moses is told that he will not be allowed to enter the Promised Land. Though a seemingly harsh punishment at first glance, careful examination brings insight into the judgments of God, and the need to sanctify Him through…

Lessons From The Exodus

Ancient Israel's Exodus from Egypt is one of the most iconic and dramatic stories in the Bible. Through Moses, God delivered his people from over 400 years of bondage and slavery. The story of the Exodus also serves as a…