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We can't change the past, just learn from it. Fear of the future is futile, since we can't know what's coming. So we should focus on making good choices today.

Deuteronomy Introduction and Chapter 1

This Bible study covers the book of the introduction of Deuteronomy as well as chapter 1. Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Pentateuch which was written by Moses and is considered the heartbeat of the Old Testament. It covers…

The Red Sea and Going Forward

The story of the Red Sea in Exodus contains many lessons for each one of us and how we live our lives. God's Might is shown for an example that all may trust in Him. We must also remember to…

Looking To God Who Opens the Way

Israel left Egypt with great rejoicing, but that positive attitude was short-lived. It's so easy to give in to doubt and discouragement when we run into difficulties. Instead, we need to look to God's promises, and realize that the great…

Who Was Moses?

How could an abandoned baby become one of the greatest leaders ever known? An immigrant family’s son rose to national power in a foreign land and became known as the greatest prophet of all time—other than Jesus. Why should this…

Context for the Passover

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, provides the historical context of the first Passover and the application for New Testament Christians as described in the gospels and by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11.

Our Holy Calling and the Feast

When we are called out by God, there begins an attraction to Him which requires a response from us. God's truths become revealed, such as His Commandments and the Feast Days; a commitment to obedience is required. Listen in to…

The humility of John The Baptist

The humility of John the Baptist is not directly addressed by a specific verse or statement in scripture but it is implied by the life he led.

A Covenant Relationship

God created mankind with the purpose of having an eternal relationship with us. As we strive to please God and remove sin from our lives, let us do so because we love and appreciate Him for all He has done…

Who Sits in the Seat of Moses?

Christ said that the Scribes and Pharisees "sit in the seat of Moses". What did Christ mean? What is the seat of Moses? When was it established? How did it move over time? Where is it today? This sermon answers…