
Do Your Homework on Godly Principles Daily

Deacon Tony Pacelli covers seven Godly principles that we should keep in the forefront of our minds, daily, as we continually prepare and strive to be members of God’s eternal family.

Maintaining Our Motivation

It is essential to maintain our motivation in our walk with God. Let's not neglect prayer, study, self-examination, and service and let's commit to being a living sacrifice.

Bribery vs. Justice as a Motivator

What motivates you? are you motivated by the right reasons?

The Importance of Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual discernment is the ability to see the spiritual reality of a matter. It allows us to answer questions like, “What is the motivation, attitude or spiritual influence behind this circumstance?” As God’s people, developing the ability to test and…

Why Do We Do What We Do? - Part 2

What is our motivation to do what we do? What is our motivation for obeying God? What is the motivation God wants us to have for obeying Him? Desire? Reward? Fear? Love?

Why Do We Do What We Do? Part 1

What motivates us to do what we do? What motivates us to obey God? What is the motivation God wants us to have for obeying Him?

What Motivates Your Life?

Our brains use an "a priori" value structure to determine what is important enough for us to perceive. This value structure is applied when we are motivated to achieve an aim or goal such that we are motivated, act, and…

Seven Principles of Proverbs

This is the second part on how to live a godly life by practicing the principles found in the Book of Proverbs.

Lessons From David

Three good examples and three failures from David's life, with contrasts drawn to the example of King Saul, to learn from and emulate. He was a man after God's own heart who made mistakes but maintained his focus on God.

Daily Glimpsing of the Kingdom

To walk in the path of righteousness, we need to focus our attention on God's coming Kingdom every day. Keeping hope and increasing in faith are vital and necessary as well. This second of a two-part sermon gives the final…