
Moving Forward

Sometimes in order to make the best decision about moving forward you need to look back to where you've been.

The Red Sea and Going Forward

The story of the Red Sea in Exodus contains many lessons for each one of us and how we live our lives. God's Might is shown for an example that all may trust in Him. We must also remember to…

More Than Just a Spiritual Family

Joshua Creech begins this first Sabbath, as the new pastor of the Indianapolis congregation, delving into the Biblical concept of family; and how family members teach, comfort, help, and love others. God is building, in stages, His family—not just a…

Let's Go Forward

Now that we are back from the feast, let's continue in our efforts and our commitment to God.

Run the Race of Your Life

Isn’t Life like the Monte Carlo Race? Winning the race and gaining the prize of eternal life.

Life Reboot

Have you gone through something so bad in your life that you feel like you have no escape. Know that God can help you reboot your life.

The Israelites leaving Egypt, Spiritual Manna and Admonition for US Today

God put the examples of the Israelites coming out of Egypt in scripture for us as we come out of this world and as we are on the path to the Kingdom of God. The process starts with Christ our…

FORWARD! The Soft Stuff Is the Hard Stuff

A few years ago the Council of Elders worked with an able consultant who helped us develop our latest Strategic Plan for the United Church of God. He was extremely brilliant as he guided us enthusiastically through goals, objectives, critical...


Pictures of abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war by American servicemen and servicewomen have shocked the world. What are the implications for America and the war on terror?

Treasure Digest

This quote from "The Chambered Nautilus" by Oliver Wendell Holmes speaks of how the nautilus, as it grows, enlarges its shell to accommodate its new size.