
Terror and Fear

Is terror appropriate for a Christian? Is fear appropriate for a Christian?
The Temple Mount area in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

For centuries Jerusalem has been a center of conflict. What’s behind it all? Will it ever cease? Believe it or not, your Bible foretells a joyous and glorious ending!

Daniel 11: King of the North vs King of the South

Daniel 11 records an end time series of conflicts that occur prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It is vital that we understand what will befall mankind during that time period.
The European Union flag - A circle of twelve five-pointed yellow stars in a blue field. One of the stars has fallen off of the circle.

Europe’s Uncertain Future

Concerns over NATO’s future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe’s horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?
A sunset over a Muslim mosque.

Will Muslims Go to Hell?

God will judge Muslims and all people fairly, and the biblical teaching of the resurrections is the key to understanding how this will be accomplished.
Man reading the Koran

Current Events & Trends

As migrants continue to seek asylum in the relative peace of Europe’s borders, many questions must be asked, chief among them being whether two very different cultural systems can coexist peacefully.
The Statue of Liberty in the distance from the ocean.

Banning Muslims from America

Banning Muslims could lead to banning, censoring or targeting in some form any other groups deemed undesirable.
Woman holding a copy of the Quran in her arms.

Confusion Over What the Quran Teaches - Peace or War?

Those who state that Islam is a peaceful religion usually point to several verses in the Quran to support their view.
Muslim militant with rifle.

The Jihadist Worldview

The brutality of the Islamic State and various terrorist organizations is shocking and horrifying—beheadings, suicide attacks, slaughter of prisoners and women forced into sexual slavery. What's really behind such barbarism? The truth may surprise you!
Cover of the Quran

Survey Shows Sobering Muslim Attitudes

Out of a world population of about 7 billion, approximately one in four to five people—1.5 to 1.6 billion—is Muslim (though some place the number of Muslims as high as 2 billion).