
A Lament From Habbakuk

Habbakuk originally did not understand why God was using Babylon to punish both Judah and Assyria. But the captivity and eventual rebuilding of Judah resulted in a place for Christ to be born. God's plan is not always clear to…

Why Did Christ Speak In Parables?

It is clear to most people that the problems this world faces are insurmountable. God is aware of this condition and expresses that He wills for all mankind to be saved. Yet the plan that He is working out to…

Mystery of Fellowship

God wants to have a close relationship with everyone. Through fellowship with each other, God's family grows in unity. And, we fellowship with God in our prayers.

The Mystery of the Church

Like a marriage, David Jones discusses what it takes to make a church work and the similarities that are drawn from successful marriages that can be applied to a church. It starts with being committed, focusing on the good and…

Now I Show You A Mystery

Quentin Rhody, on the Day of Trumpets, discusses the choice Adam had at the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Since then, many have questioned how God creates righteous character in man, yet allow evil to abound? Also presented…
Media Production

The Mystery of Christianity

To some, Christianity is like a mystery novel. But it doesn't have to be this way!

The Mystery of the Woman

Shocking Bible prophecies reveal vital information about an enigmatic woman. Who is this mysterious person? What does she do and why? We will examine this important biblical subject and find answers to these and other questions in the Bible.

The Mystery Revealed!

Why are some people called and the great majority are not? This great mystery is revealed in the pages of the Bible.

The Mysteries of the Calling and the Church: Pentecost AM service

The speaker expounds five mysteries surrounding the Church of God.

The Mystery of God's Name

As Jesus shared His last Passover with His Apostles, He recapitulated that night some of the most profound teachings He had privately shared with them during their previous 3-1/2 years together. He finished His discourse with an open prayer to…