
Do You Feel Like Jeremiah?

Jeremiah the prophet lived in a time of moral and spiritual decline in Israel, not unlike the times we live in today. As we read through his writings we can learn how he felt and the hope and encouragement God…

The Rise and Fall of Israel - Part 1

Do you ever read the Bible and wonder how the nation of Israel of the Old Testament became the nation of Israel today. In part 1 of this series of messages, we'll look at how Israel came into being, rose…

If Our Nation or the World Kept the Ten Commandments

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian Let us imagine what the impact would be: (1) IF our nation (the USA) began keeping the Ten Commandments now or (2) when the entire world begins keeping the Ten Commandments when Jesus returns. Pls. Note: Addt’l…

The Righteous Among Nations

David Jones explains how the righteous chosen by God should strive to help others, especially as the world enters into times of great suffering. Examples are given in the stories of Oscar Schindler and the Bielski brothers, both heroic examples…

Is America Committing Suicide?

The United States is experiencing a crisis of faith that strikes at the very root of our country's founding. Are we committing suicide as a nation?

Blessed Is the Nation

Following our national celebration of Independence Day, David Jones discusses how God has blessed this nation through the faithfulness of the founding fathers and, even today, continues to be watched by everyone throughout the world. However, as this nation continues…

Spiritual Nation Building

Typically nation building refers to the process of constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state/country. We also have the opportunity to engage in some “nation building” – “SPIRITUAL nation building.” Let’s look at a how…

Spiritual Nation Building

God's plan for Nation Building throughout the scriptures and how we have a part to play in it both now and into the Millennium. What kind of nation builders will we be?

Farewell, Fellow Soldiers

General MacArthur gave an address to West Point in 1962. It is a theme being picked up again today in this farewell address by senior pastor Jim Tuck. What are the main focal points to keep in mind? Duty, honor…