
How Great God Is!

Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, goes into details on the aspects of God's greatness.

The Rock of Ages (Ellendale)

The purpose of this message is to show contrary to the beliefs of many that the church is built upon Jesus Christ and not the apostle Peter.

Our Redeemer Lives!

My purpose is that I hope to show that our redeemer who lives was redeemed by his redeemer. The redeemer of all. The Most High God. And to show, as Jesus Christ said, “I and My Father are one”. Two…

Work Out Your Own Salvation

Before God we stand alone. We do need to be part of the ekklesia, the Church, but we are still responsible to work out our own salvation - no one can ride into the Kingdom on anyone else's coat tails.

The Nature of God and of Christ

That we might know Him, the only true God; and Jesus Christ whom He has sent for the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.

Is the Holy Spirit Called God?

Many believe that the account of Ananias and Sapphira recorded in Acts 5 is a proof that the Holy Spirit is called God. What does the bible really say? Can we say that the Holy Spirit is a being equal…

Nature of God

Most people in the world have some concept and belief in God. However, there is not unanimity of understanding as to just who and what God is. This sermon will explore what the Scriptures reveal about the Nature of God.

Fundamentals: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Comparing and contrasting the biblical concept of God as a Family against the mainstream but misguided notion of a Trinity.

Bible Study - The Nature of God

This bible study is to provide insight as to the nature of God.

Who and What is Jesus Christ?

In a world and an age of many false teachings, we need to very clearly understand God's truth from Scripture. We look at one person Who through Whom this great gulf of understanding can be explained: Jesus Christ.