
Tree of Life: Central --- Available -- Dynamic

Speaker: James Malizia 2/8/20 Physical human existence is book-ended with something of great interest and from which we can learn many, many spiritual lessons from... these book-ends are the the Tree of Life. It was in the Garden of Eden…


Where and with whom will we spend eternity? Digging deeper into the story of the New Jerusalem, the new heaven and the new earth.

The Twelve Stones of the Foundation of New Jerusalem

In a fascinating sermonette, Jon Davies discusses the twelve precious stones that are spoken of as being included in the foundation of New Jerusalem (Rev 21). He describes and offers valuable information about each one.

Time, Eden, and God's Paradise

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the Biblical references to "Paradise" and the ultimate meaning that it has for God's people.

Preparing A Place For Us

God gave encouragement to the disciples when He explained that He was preparing a place for them. What did He mean? In this sermon, Jerry Shallenberger, an elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, Georgia, explains what Christ is preparing and…

Destination: Promised Land

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the Holy Land - past, present and future - and why it has such an important place in God's heart and His plans. [Note - the video discussed has been…

The Book of Revelation Part 19 - Chapters 21-22

The conclusion to the series on the Book of Revelation

Picturing The New Heaven

God is coming to live with mankind when He brings the New Jerusalem to earth.

The Fountain of Youth in the Bible

The real fountain of youth is found in the Bible. Let's review the scriptures and concepts concerning the living waters promised to Christians.

Chapters 21 and 22

Conclusion of the Series - chapters 21 and 22. New Heavens and New Earth, New Jerusalem, Light of God, River of Waters of Life, a Warning