
Go To Nineveh

David Jones takes a different perspective on the story of Jonah the prophet who was commanded to go to Nineveh. Yet Jonah did not immediately do as God commanded knowing that disobeying God was risking his own life. Did he…

Jonah and God's Work

We learn from the Book of Jonah that God's Work carries two stages. He is slow to wrath exhibiting patience against the wicked; and He is merciful to them who are repentent. This message examines these two characteristics of our…

Leaving Room for Repentance

Lessons from Jonah and Nineveh. We should have the same desire God has, which is for all people to repent and turn to Him. Jonah 1,3,4: ; 2 Peter 3:9

Assyria - Past, Present and Future

Many nations listed in the Bible can still be found today - some with the same names. Others can be identified by history and ancient records. In this split-sermon, Jonathan Beam goes into the history of ancient Assyria, what became…

The Minor Prophets: Jonah - A Story of Compassion and Repentance

Following the Days of Unleavened Bread, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and the Buford congregations, discusses the lessons that we can learn from the Book of Jonah.

God's Will Changes Our Perspective

Examining God's will and our resistance to it: We can often find ourselves at odds with the true direction God plans to take us. Comparing Jonah's mission to warn Nineveh to repent, we can more deeply understand our role in…

Jonah: Lessons Buried Beneath the Waters

Who was Jonah? Why did he not want to go to Ninevah? God's Intervention, Jonah's repentance.
A hand in the water.

Lessons From Nineveh

We’ve all heard the story of Jonah and the big fish and how he was to warn the town of Nineveh of their impending doom. But have you ever really focused on the town and its people?

Why Look at Biblical Archeology

A look at the evidence from the discoveries of the ancient city of Ninevah.
A Great Time of Trouble

A Great Time of Trouble

The Bible says “there will be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Should we be concerned and what, if anything, can we do about it?