A illustration of a missile flying in the sky.

Today’s Arms Race

America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
Photo illustration of missiles, the North Korean flag and the United States flag.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
A mushroom cloud explosion.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
The North Korean military parades its KN-15 missile, thought to be nuclear-capable, in 2017.

The New Nuclear Peril

The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant are these threats, and how do they play into Bible prophecies about what will occur at the...
Painting of North Korea supreme leader - Kim Jong Un

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2017 issue of Beyond Today.

Current Events & Trends

North Korea is the perennial pariah of the Far East, the subject of continuous sanctions and international ire.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un

Current Events & Trends

North Korea's goal is to become a nuclear power.
Papal Speculation

Papal Speculation and More on North Korea

North Korea Detonates Another Nuclear Device

North Korea Detonates Another Nuclear Device


World News and Trends

While not the "Axis Powers" of World War II, Iran and North Korea are nonetheless dictatorial nations colluding in their joint evil.