A illustration of a missile flying in the sky.

Today’s Arms Race

America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
The North Korean military parades its KN-15 missile, thought to be nuclear-capable, in 2017.

The New Nuclear Peril

The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant are these threats, and how do they play into Bible prophecies about what will occur at the...
A team of IAEA experts check out water storage tanks.


Alarming developments at the site of the nuclear disaster in Japan.
Abandoned children's daycare center in Pripyat, Ukraine.

How Close Are We to Nuclear Extinction?  

We live in an age called the Anthropocene Epoch, where enough nuclear weaponry exists to destroy the entire earth's population many times over. Here's why we don't have to worry about that happening.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un

Current Events & Trends

North Korea's goal is to become a nuclear power.
Surface fire at St. Louis West Lake landfill in 2014.

Current Events & Trends

Nuclear bombs as weapons of mass destruction are front and center in public attention once more with the Iranian nuclear agreement, North Korea’s much-publicized nuclear program and the ever-present threat of black market and secret proliferation to extremist groups.
Japan Copes With Overwhelming Devastation

Japan Copes With Overwhelming Devastation

Millions of beleaguered and traumatized inhabitants of Japan are still struggling to come to terms with a staggering disaster—the world's costliest thus far. What is the fallout? And what can the Bible tells us about such calamities?

Can Iodine Pills Protect You from Radiation Exposure?

The devastating triple-tragedy of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown has the world on high alert. People are stocking up on iodine pills to help ensure safety from radiation. But is there another, more effective form of protection from disaster?

Syria, Iran and Lebanon