
A Submissive and Obedient Heart

Today we will cover 2 points about submission and obedience of the heart. Christ submitted to God's will. Abraham did not hesitate to honor God's wishes. Do we go full steam ahead or do we reason? Are we strong enough…

In Times of Trials

We are living in times like no other in recent memory. These are times of trial. How is the Christian to respond in times such as these?

HOW to “GO From Here”

A view of the crucifixion as seen through the eyes of Jesus Christ Himself—the One actually experiencing it. We will then be more able to "deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow HIM".

Are We Listening To God?

What God has called us to, what He gives us in His instruction, are the words of true life. Are we listening to God?

What is Wrong With Us?

Humanity will not do what they're told to do! Almost 6,000 years of disobedience has added up to man's failures to find success and happiness. If only we would obey!

They Did Not Receive the Love of the Truth

Join us for this eye opening sermon about being ready for the return of Jesus Christ. Are you ready? Are you renewing your mind daily? are you getting more of God's Holy Spirit? The answers to these questions and more…

Lessons From Psalm 23

Psalm 23 has much to tell us. In this sermonette, Alan Edge elaborates on what we can learn from it's short verses.

Jesus’ Obedience to God, His Father

This message gives an overview of scriptures that depict Jesus' obedience to God, His Father. We need to learn from His example: trust in and obedience to God under all circumstances.

What is Going On Here?

They think they are worshipping God but who are they really worshipping? What is our responsibility now, today?

What Does It Mean To Believe In Jesus Christ?

We are told in scripture that those who believe Jesus is the Son of God will be saved. Is this all there is to it? Full examination of the Bible shows that our belief must be shown by our behavior…