
Joshua: Beginnings

Whom do we serve? God's Word has many examples of servants. Joshua is one of those servants that is recorded for us. What does it mean to be a servant? How does a servant live? Each one of us is…

What is Wrong With Us?

Humanity will not do what they're told to do! Almost 6,000 years of disobedience has added up to man's failures to find success and happiness. If only we would obey!

Living With Government

What is our view of government? How do we identify with government authority? God's Word speaks to how we should frame our perspective of government and authority.

What is Going On Here?

They think they are worshipping God but who are they really worshipping? What is our responsibility now, today?

Matters of the Heart

We will explore the scriptures to examine how we can best develop our minds and hearts for eternal obedience in the God family.

We Have Returned

We have just returned from the Feast commanded by God, so we have obeyed His voice and reaped the benefits, but there are times in history where knowledge has been lost and had to be rediscovered.

The Perfect Law of Liberty

We love freedom! Some look at freedom from a selfish viewpoint. What should a Christian consider true freedom to be? And how do law and liberty go hand in hand?


Obedience, the way we show our love toward our Father in heaven. Obedience is worship and it is the way we are perfected for our place in the coming Kingdom of God.

That the Lord's Law May Be in Your Mouth

Obedience to God's Law is a character trait that is essential. God's law is a law of action, of doing. We through Christ's example need to keep obedience to God's law in our lives. In other words we need to…

Love and the Law

God's law is the foundation of love. We need to fully understand the connection between obeying God's law and truly being able to love and God loves.