
Offended? Ambassadors Remember the Mission

Being an ambassador for Christ sounds lovely until you get punched in the face. What kind of heart and skill set do you need in order to bring glory to God’s name as Christ’s ambassador?

Becoming Offense Proof

How can something as important as our eternal existence be overshadowed by earthly problems? One easy way this happens, again and again, is becoming Offended. When people become offended that can become so important that they might give up a…

God's Word is a Light to our Path

In order to be properly approach a brother who may have something against you it is important to use God's word to help light the path to reconciliation.

Escape From the Snare of Offense

David Jones explains that the Bible describes offense as a snare - a trap that seems natural at first as it slowly envelops your neck, but is instantly triggered with deadly consequences, sometimes slowly killing the prey as they fight…

What Does The Bible Say Concerning Offending Brethren

For the sermonette today I would like to talk about a topic that I think can be a hinderance to sharing in brotherly love between one another. Something I think could prevent genuine love between brethren. It is something that…

Taking Offense

What do we do when somebody in the congregation mistreats us? A Bible study-style sermon on Matthew 18.

Choose Not To Be Offended

The world around us loves to be offended at almost anything. We must make a choice to not be offended.

Avoiding and Dealing With Bitterness

It's common for people to conclude that they have not been treated fairly and to harbor resentment. It can even be directed toward God. Taken to an extreme, human nature causes this to evolve into bitterness! In this sermon Jonathan…

Forgive You Forgive Me

Forgiveness is perhaps the most essential requirement and quality of our Christian calling. Find out why!
A woman looking at her smartphone.


The time we spend considering one another can change the way we treat each other when difficulties come.