
The Burnt Offering Today

The prophets Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah and Jeremiah all talk about how animals will again be offered as sacrifices during Jesus Christ’s thousand-year reign on earth. Have you ever wondered about this? Why does the world need physical sacrifices in the…

Lessons From the Desert

Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials and consequences.

Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

Jesus Christ the Wave Sheaf Accepted on Our Behalf

Speaker: Jim Chance 4/11/20 Powerpoint for Sermon under DOWNLOADS tab. We will examine how the Feast of First Fruits Old Covenant symbols were fulfilled by Jesus Christ as the Wave Sheaf in the New Covenant. This message will explain how…

Our Thoughtful Response

God's guidelines for preparing an offering. Preparing our offering reflects rejoicing and respecting God. It is a mindful response to our blessings and serves as unleavened bread in these unique times.

A Letter to the Widow Who Gave Just Two Coins

The Holy Day Offering is a gift of opportunity. We have been gifted by God to be able to share what He has given us, and that gift is passed down through the generations. A letter to the widow explains…

Our Offering is More Than Just Money

Through the scriptures we find that maintaining good relationships and living a life of sacrifice are a necessary part of our financial offerings.

How Much Does God Expect Us to Give in an Offering?

God loves a cheerful giver. You can't out-give God.

Gateway to the Millenium

Speaker: Tom Meece 9/30/19 Rosh Hashana is a Holy Day some have connected with a new economic year as well as other Jewish customs. This message addresses why it is called "The Feast of Trumpets" in the church of God…

Four Reasons We Give an Offering to God

Why does God want us to give an offering? What are we to learn?