
The Grain Offering Today

As we exit the North American Thanksgiving season, let's consider a few aspects of the grain offering of Leviticus 2: what it expresses about appreciation, as well as how it provides a window into God's nature and Christ's work.

The Burnt Offering Today

The prophets Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah and Jeremiah all talk about how animals will again be offered as sacrifices during Jesus Christ’s thousand-year reign on earth. Have you ever wondered about this? Why does the world need physical sacrifices in the…
Photo of person's hand holding a perfect rose.

Giving Our Best to God

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1).

Jesus Christ the Wave Sheaf Accepted on Our Behalf

Speaker: Jim Chance 4/11/20 Powerpoint for Sermon under DOWNLOADS tab. We will examine how the Feast of First Fruits Old Covenant symbols were fulfilled by Jesus Christ as the Wave Sheaf in the New Covenant. This message will explain how…

Should We Tithe Today?

Join us for this very interesting study of Tithing and it's relevance in today's world. Do you believe that tithing has been done away with? Did Jesus change the law of Tithing? The answers to these questions and more in…

God's Festival

In this sermon, the Feasts of God are reviewed through the scriptures beginning with the Sabbath Day.
A box attached to the wall where one could drop in money at a church.

What Is the Difference Between Tithes and Offerings?

The word "tithe" literally means "a tenth," and the practice of tithing to God involves giving a fixed ten percent of one's income. Offerings were to be given on God’s holy days, in an amount determined by the worshiper.

Praising God

The Bible is filled with stories of people praising and thanking God for the things He provides. For example in Psalms, David expresses praise to God in every chapter. Listen in to find out other examples of praises to God…

Numbers 28-29

This Bible study covers Number 28 and 29. These are two unique chapters inserted between chapters 25 and 31 where Moses is instructed to go to war against the Midianites in chapter 25 and when the Israelites actually go to…

Spiritual Sacrifices

Eventhough physical sacrifices of animals are no longer required, Christians still need to offer spirtual sacrifices. In this sermonette we review and examine the ten spiritual sacrifices a Christian must offer.