
May There Be Peace Within Your Walls

A brief exploration of the broad concept of preparing for the unknown within the frame of setting our homes in order and building the peace and security that God desires for His people.

The Light of Discernment

In comparing Genesis 1 to John 1, we can identify key elements God uses to create His order in the physical and the spiritual realm.

Is Our House In Order

De-clutter our lives physically, mentally and most of all spiritually

Create and Rest

God is not the author of confusion. We are to bring our lives into order using the resources that God gives us. Let's look at some points to help us in our efforts.

What Motivates Your Life?

Our brains use an "a priori" value structure to determine what is important enough for us to perceive. This value structure is applied when we are motivated to achieve an aim or goal such that we are motivated, act, and…

7 Points for Fasting

Speaker: James Malizia 9/8/19 In this message, James Malizia facilitates an exploration of points to consider for an effective fast that pleases God, so we may draw close to Him for spiritual strength we need now and in the time…

1 Corinthians 2 & 3 : Reasons For Division in Corinth

In a newly begun series of messages on the book of 1st Corinthians, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, goes through chapters 2 and 3, focusing on the divisions that plagued the Corinth congregation.

The Mathematical Wonders of God's Creation

Is there order in the universe? God's creation includes all scienctific laws that man eventually discovers. During this Sabbath-in-the-Park, we find out how there is symmetry in nature, how scientists have classified all natural life, and how science continues to…

Authority - God's Blessing for His Church

There has been a swelling tide of anti-establishment philosophies in the United States in recent years. This anti-establishment momentum stems from a growing resentment toward authority in general, and if we’re not careful, this same sentiment can creep into the…

Everything in Place?

Does your desk depict how your mind is organized?