
Are You Convicted or Merely Convinced?

Mr. Richards crafts a message on the subject of overcoming that provokes the attentive listener to rise to the challenge of defeating the world. His message catalogs helpful info for winning the battle of the mind by listening for the…

Did God Set Us Up for Failure?

Do you ever feel like no matter what you try, you fail? That your best effort isn't good enough? Do you feel like God has set us up as some sort of a cruel cosmic joke, knowing we could never…

Lessons in Correction from the Tractor

Have you ever had to back up a tractor with a trailer? It's not as easy as it looks! There are a few tricks that don't seem obvious the first time you try it. Similarly, when it comes to correcting…

When Life is Not Fair

Sometimes, life is simply not fair. Living God's way isn't always easy. There are things we can do to persist and overcome, even when life seems most unfair.


Forgiveness. For many reasons throughout our experiences in life, our ability to truly forgive others is greatly tested. Overcoming tragedies and atrocities of life and those who caused them, forgiving them is a great challenge and a test of our…

Saul's Folly in the Valley of Elah

We are beset with trials but how we handle them makes all the difference in the world.

Don't Forget to Check the Oil

We should be continually striving to overcome sin in our lives. God gives us his Holy Spirit to help us. Six lessons we can learn from the Parable of the Ten Virgins to help us overcome sin and draw near…

Your Spiritual Jericho

God instructed Joshua to circle Jericho once each day, and seven times on the seventh day, and then the walls came down. We can use this same pattern to break Satan's strongholds in our life.

In a Hole in the Ground Lived a Hobbit

Are you prepared face the tough times that come in this physical life? The book of Daniel reveals six things that we must have in our lives in times of crisis.

Our Mission in Overcoming

In order to succeed in obtaining their vision of a better world without Osama Bin Laden the assigned Navy Seal Team had to complete their mission. Like the Navy Seals we are warriors who have to complete our mission of…