Overcoming Sin

How can I stop the cycle of sin and overcome? The answer is through understanding and practicing repentance that works. If you are struggling to overcome a certain sin, why not ask yourself, Do I really understand repentance, and am I really willing to practice it? Am I truly willing to change?

A woman reading a Bible.

What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Mean for Christians?

Central to our understanding of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread is the realization that the resurrected Jesus Christ lives His life in every individual Christian.

Jesus Christ - the Bread of Life

We recognize the leavening represents sin during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But what about the Unleavened Bread itself? What does it represent and do we really need it in our lives?

The Three Great Causes of Sin

Are we doing what we really need to do to overcome Satan, self and society? Are we leaving sin behind and keeping the Days of Unleavened Bread with sincerity and truth? God gives us the spiritual weapons we need in…

Gifts from the Father of Lights

The most vital elements for your success are freely offered gifts. But, do you really want these special gifts? What are you doing with them?

Sons Of the Living God

"Living" is a distinction which separates the true God from all other so-called gods. The Living God is calling sons and daughters to glory in His eternal family through a living process. He is not the God of the dead…

Drowning In Sin

What would you do if you were in a car that went off the road and into water? You'd try to get out right away, right? What about our lives? Have we run 'off the road' and are we in…

Moral Values that Don't Bend Under Pressure

(The sermon starts at the 30 second mark.) An biblical exploration of the patriarchs and apostles who bent under pressure and those who didn't and how it should apply to us today.

Unfinished Business

This message from August was inspired by listening to a message by pastor Jeff Richards on the subject of finding conviction vs just being convinced of the things we need to get started overcoming. Being convinced is easier than finding…

The Biggest Loser

Many people battle with their physical weight, and losing weight is difficult. But, keeping that weight off can be even more challenging. In the weeks leading up to Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread we worked hard to lose…

Are You Convicted or Merely Convinced?

Mr. Richards crafts a message on the subject of overcoming that provokes the attentive listener to rise to the challenge of defeating the world. His message catalogs helpful info for winning the battle of the mind by listening for the…