
Should Valentines Day be A Christian Holiday?

Just where did the curious customs of Valentine’s Day come from? What is the origin of this holiday and should Christians observe it? This sermon reviews the origins of this day in history and reviews scripture as to what the…

The Birth of Jesus Christ - An IQ Test

God is not pleased when people copy or borrow religious customs from pagan observances and re-label them… in an attempt to worship Him. Yet, Jesus Christ was indeed born to be a Savior. But, I wonder how much people really…
Man holding Bible.

Where Did the Symbolism of the Cross Originate?

The cross far predates Christianity, and its roots are in ancient religious worship.
A man sitting in a church.

Why Do People Make the Sign of the Cross on Their Body?

Making the sign of the cross on oneself is an expression of belief in the Trinity, a concept of God’s nature not found in Scripture.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...Sin?

Many Christians understand the pagan origins of Christmas, but keep it anyway. Does it really matter? Can any harm come from it? An examination of the downfall of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah will reveal exactly what a…

The Village Mentality

“Pagan” is a word that is used often, especially during December. But what is the origin of the word and it’s real meaning? In answering those questions we can explore the pitfalls of paganism, as well as why we would…

History of the New Testament Church

Today we conclude our 3-part series on the history of the New Testament Church. In part 1 we discussed the earliest, and only actual history we have of the New Testament Church, known as the book of Acts; written by…

A Brief History of the Catholic Church

Some highlights of the History of the Catholic Church, and how it will all end.

Easter or Passover

Where did Easter come from? Does Easter show up anywhere in the Bible?

Babel - Defiance Against God

Nimrod, a mighty one against God, set a pattern of Pagan worship and a movement to make a name for man in direct defiance of God and what He stands for. Satan continues with this movement today throughout the Earth…