Merry, Mary and Marry

Merry, Mary and Marry

Why Is There Magic in Christmas?

Why Is There Magic in Christmas?

Magic's deeply ingrained place in the Christmas holiday.
La croyance, antérieure au christianisme, en un « ciel »

Ancient Pagan Belief in Heaven

The idea that souls go to heaven at death originated in pagan religion, not the Bible.

The First Christmas in Rome and What It Means to Us

The majority of Christians believe they are honoring Jesus Christ by observing Christmas. A minority of Christians believe keeping Christmas does not honor Christ. Where does the Bible stand on this question?

So What'd Ya Get?

Christmas is a holiday created by men. It's not in the Bible. It didn't become part of traditional Christianity until more than 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ.

The Resurrection Connection

How did worship of an ancient god and goddess come to be associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
A young woman holding a small present in front of Christmas tree.

What's Behind the Magnetic Pull of the Christmas Season?

Millions observe Christmas because it's a feel-good time with holiday music filling the air, brightly decorated trees, Santa Claus for the children and family togetherness. But does the Christmas season have a strong, commercially motivated magnetic pull that goes unnoticed...

How Authentic Is the Christmas Portrayal of Christ's Birth?

During the Christmas season the Christian world's attention is focused on its most important religious holiday that purportedly commemorates the birth date of Jesus Christ. The influence of tradition has caused the portrayal of Christ's birth to stray from the...

God's Holy Day Season Differs Greatly from Man's Holiday Season

Few people have the courage to face the facts (all so easily substantiated) about the traditional holidays of Christianity, let alone to cease observing them in favor of God's appointed Holy Days. For those who are willing to learn and...

The Resurrection Connection

How did worship of an ancient god and goddess come to be associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?