
The Story of Christmas

What should our feelings be toward Christmas? How does God see it? Review the true origins of this pagan holiday.

Would Jesus Keep Christmas?

The pastor reviews why Christmas should not be kept, and proves through scriptures that this holiday season is neither a way to honor God's name nor a correct form of worship.

Good King Josiah

We review the good example of King Josiah in hopes of inspiring ourselves to a higher service towards God.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...Sin?

Many Christians understand the pagan origins of Christmas, but keep it anyway. Does it really matter? Can any harm come from it? An examination of the downfall of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah will reveal exactly what a…

The Village Mentality

“Pagan” is a word that is used often, especially during December. But what is the origin of the word and it’s real meaning? In answering those questions we can explore the pitfalls of paganism, as well as why we would…

Our God Is Not Like Other Gods

The true God is completely different from the pagan gods people have worshiped throughout history. He wants a relationship with us and wants to bless us. He even challenges us to prove Him and see that He'll keep His promises…
Halloween drawings on pumpkins.

Halloween Is Horrible

Most folks who celebrate Halloween are nice people, but that doesn’t make Halloween nice.

Sun Worship and the Egyptians

This sermon examines how the pagan worship in Egypt was dominated by the worship of the sun and the corrupting influence it had on the Israelites after they left Egypt. This sun worship continued to spread until it has dominated…
A mom and four kids eating Halloween treats.

Why must we avoid Halloween?

3 Reasons I Don't Miss Out by Not Keeping Christmas

3 Reasons I Don't Miss Out by Not Keeping Christmas