
Balaam's Crossroad

Have we ever tried to justify something we really wanted? Our true motive shows us God's will. Using the example of Balaam, this message covers how starting on the wrong path makes it hard for us to get out again.

Slight Edge

There are simple steps we can take to become a “master” in the work God has called us to. This is the principle of the slight edge.

No Trespassing

We are Designed, then Created and Enabled to become WELCOMED as Inheritors OF and Being IN the Kingdom of the Creator of ALL things. We are to learn to not steal, corrupt, and trespass on God’s Creation, His Kingdom as…

The Road Less Traveled

The Bible sometimes talks about "the way". As Christians we are supposed to follow the path, or the way, that God has set aside for each of us. The path is narrow, but we worship God by following this path…

Counselor Not Control

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/9/19 Dealing with uncertainty is a natural part of life and can lead to stress and anxiety. Our natural human reaction is to seek to control and manage uncertainty, but God's gift of His Spirit shows us…

Our Walk To Pentecost

On the Sabbath before Pentecost, Jerry Shallenberger, an elder serving in the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the paths that are available to all people - the narrow one leading to eternal life and God's kingdom, and the wide one…

How Do We Walk?

It's natural to walk using our given senses. But is this the way that God says? In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford churches, discusses what God shows us in His word about the path we…

Is Our Spiritual Compass Set On True North?

A compass is a useful instrument to ensure that we are heading in the desired direction for our travel plan. Likewise, a moral compass is essential for the direction in our personal lives. This world has seemingly lost all direction…

The Kingdom is Coming

It's very dangerous to wander from the path God has set before us. His Kingdom is coming. That fact is sure. The correct path is full of promises and hope.

God's Word our Path

First Day of the Feast of UB sermonette. How God's word is our path on the journey of coming out of sin.