
The End-Time Middle East

We can see turmoil in the history, as well as in the future, of the Middle East. Events in this region are destined to effect the lives on everyone on earth.

Profit From Our Problems

How does God intervene with our problems? Where do our problems come from? What can we learn from our problems?

See the Kingdom in the Feast

The only hope for our war-torn world is the Kingdom of God. God's fall Holy Days signify this coming time of peace and unity. While at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is important to truly picture the joyful time it…
A peaceful scene with trees, mountains and the setting sun.

Jesus’ Reign on Earth—What Will It Be Like?

Bible readers understand that Jesus Christ will return to earth to reign as King. But what will He do as King, and what will His reign be like?
A group of young kids playing in the woods.

Prophecies of the World Tomorrow

A marvelous, peaceful and prosperous, 1,000-year-long age is on the horizon for all humanity. Yet surprisingly, it will not be initiated by human effort or action. Discover how, why and when this new era will be launched and what its...

Signs of the People of God

Signs communicate specific bits of information between people, and different signs serve different purposes. The Bible describes several signs of God’s people. What do they say about us?
A woman with her head down on her arms.

Bible Answers for Coping With Stress

God’s Word gives direct answers to many of our questions about how to deal with stress.
Media Production

A Soft Answer

When we experience confrontation we don't have to run away to keep the peace, but we should utilize tools from the Bible to keep us from escalating or contributing to these tense situations.
A person walking in the forest.

Follow Me

How are we to experience God’s gift of peace? Through the example of Jesus Christ and biblical principles of listening to God, drawing near to Him and trusting persistence.
People at a riot burning items.

Is There a Better Way?

As if a pandemic, a battered economy and soaring unemployment weren’t enough, America has once more been shocked by social unrest and racial strife. Is there a path to a better way?