
May Your Memory Be a Blessing to Others

How can you be a blessing to others? Is it important to be a blessing to those around us?

Recognizing and Handling Toxic People

How did Jesus handle toxic people? In light of how Jesus handled the Pharisees, spoke, took action and then taught about turning the other cheek, we are able to recognize and handle toxic people righteously.


There are three main relationships we deal with in our lives: our relationship with one another, with God and with ourselves. How can we improve in each of these relationships?

People Need People

We live in a world where man is selfish and getting more selfish. God has called us to have person to person contact. God created human beings to need human beings.

Thankfulness A La Psalm 107

Speaker: James Malizia 11/16/19 Handout for sermon is under Downloads. In this message presented the Sabbath of November 16th, James J. Malizia facilitates an exploration of Psalm 107's “Call for people to thank God for blessing them and delivering them…

Lesson in Decision Making From Daniel 2

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/9/19 Many people are aware of the prophetic vision of the statute in Daniel 2, but behind this vision was a severe trial and a certain decision making. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth discusses five lessons from…

Three Mindsets Beyond the Feast of Tabernacles

We prepare prior to the Feast of Tabernacles. Let's continue to prepare for God's Harvest with three mindsets we use to prepare for the Feast so we don't enter post Feast let down.

A Hope for Us and All People

Speaker: James Malizia 9/30/19 In this message presented on the Feast of Trumpets, James Malizia facilitates a weaving of relevant to bring forth the critical importance of the day; a brief summary of the Resurrections of the dead (highlighting it…

The Passover of Exodus 12: Our Journey

In the first message on Exodus 12, we looked at the physical journey made by Israel out of Egypt. Today we'll look at spiritual parallels from Exodus 12 and our journey out of sin and to the Kingdom of God!

Looking for God in All People

God's people need to look for and care for people outside of God's church as well as with in.