
Those Who Turn the World Upside Down

Jesus discussed the subject of persecution in Matthew 5. He wanted to make it crystal clear to His disciples then and now, that following God’s way of life would not be easy. In fact He told them persecution would be…

Revelation 2: What We Learn from the Church of God, Smyrna

Pastor Philip Aust covers background of the ancient city of Smyrna, the message of Revelation 2 directed to that church, and the important spiritual lessons that we can glean from them today.

The Mark of the Beast and the Mark of God

Speculating about which specific technology will be used to mark people is just a distraction. Whether its a tattoo or a digital chip is irrelevant. What matters is WHY its used, WHAT sort of activities it affects, WHO gets it…

December 25th and the Abomination of Desolation - Are They Related?

Many of the so-called "gods" of antiquity amazingly had their presumed birthday on December 25th. In this sermon by Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses this date and it's connection to the biblical Abomination of…

Adversity: Obstacle Or Opportunity?"

Martin Luthor once said "Only love can drive out hatred and only light can drive out darkness." In this sermon Mr. Hall discusses how we are in this world while not being a part of it. We need to have…

The Stoning of Stephen

The martyrdom of Stephen was one the most shocking and tragic events of the infant New Testament Church. At only age 29, Stephen illustrated the raw courage required to take a stand on principal. In doing so, he knew that…

On the Road to Damascus

Saul hated the very name of Jesus and believed that Jesus was a blaspheming heretic who could not be the Messiah. He zealously hunted down Christians and violently persecuted them for corrupting what he believed was true religion. After Christ’s…

Our Understanding of the Place of Safety

This is a synopsis of this material as a refresher for those who have previously studied the subject. And for those who aren’t very familiar with the subject; Hopefully today we’ll cover the key scriptures to give a good understanding…

Are You Prepared For The Trumpets?

On the Feast of Trumpets before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations, pastor Philip Aust discusses the events described in Revelation leading up to the return of Christ and their correlation with His words in Matthew 24.

The Feast of Trumpets, Are You Ready To Rule?

Have you ever wondered why, with all of our shortcomings, God calls us? The Church of God has never been free from persecution in some form. People outside the Church of God suffer as well. What is in it for…