
Seek First the Kingdom of God

What prevents us from seeking God’s Kingdom? Why do we need God’s Kingdom? What was Jesus’ purpose in coming to the earth?
Football player on field at sunset

Why Not You?

Three important principles that have carried NFL quarterback Russell Wilson's life on track can be applied to our spiritual life.

Conviction and Commitment

We must have personal conviction and commitment to the calling that God has given to us. The Bible is full of examples for us to draw encourage from.

How to Never Stumble, Part 3: Perseverance and Godliness

This is the third part of a four-part series on 2 Peter 1:5-9. We as Christians are called to be first fruits in the Kingdom of God. In 2 Peter 1:5-9, the apostle Peter gives us a list of 8…

The Shadow of Trumpets

The Holy Days are shadows of things to come! Feast of Trumpets is a warning to us to wake-up from spiritual slumber!

Remember Lot's Wife!

God`s Kingdom is so close, we can`t afford to look back now.

Tempted, Tested and Tried

God created the physical universe and gave His only Son for a purpose vastly more important than for you and I to merely enjoy nice living today. The brief lifetime that is available to each of us is necessary for…

We Are Underdogs

We are capable of conquering the giants in our lives.

Two Actions That Can Define Our Spiritual Condition

This sermonette delivered in Spanish was presented by a visiting deacon from Chile and was simultaneously translated by pastor Mario Seiglie into English to the congregation. The context of the message covers commitment and communication with God by using examples…

Lifelong Commitments

The characteristics necessary to complete a fulfilled life can be compared to running a race. What are the five requirements in lifelong commitments? How can someone overcome in times of trials and discouragements?