
To Be or Not to Be

What do you want to be? How can we follow and become like Christ? What does God instruct us to be?

Will You Return?

There are challenges associated with obeying God and attending His annual festivals.

How to Continue Enduring!

How is our endurance? A look at five points to help us keep enduring to the end!

Could You be Rejected to be a King in the Kingdom of God?

Very eyeopening sermon about our responsibilities and commitments to enter the Kingdom of God. Do we have to hold on and persevere till the end? Join us for this very interesting video on the most important thing in our lives.

Three Lessons Learned

Recent experiences have taught me three biblical lessons. Listen in to find out what these lessons are.

An Attitude of Thanksgiving

Having an attitude of gratitude is good for us. It helps our relationships, improves our mental health, and even helps us sleep better. The Bible also shows that being grateful to God helps us have peace of mind. God wants…

You are Divine - So What?

We've discussed the divinity of God and Christ and the awesome promise of a divine nature for those obey in spirit in truth. So the question arises, what do we do in the mean time? Join us as we examine…

Resilient Endurance

We are told to endure to the end. The act of persevering can be hard and lead to depression if we allow it. We can and must have a resilient attitude in order to survive the many trials that befall…

Pressing Onward

The church has changed over the years. Now, anyone can find a local congregation online, whereas decades ago we were more closed. People's expectations have changed too: now they want to know if what your church teaches is what they…

Post Feast Resolutions

Excellent message about applying what we learned at the Feast of Tabernacles, and applying it to our individual lives. Join us for this message about making action plans and growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior…