Pale horse of death described in Revelation 6.

The Horsemen of Revelation

Previous articles in this series covered the meaning of the first three of the horsemen of Revelation—religious deception, war and famine. What does the fourth, the pale green horse and its rider, signify?
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Coping with the Pandemic

How can we better deal with this time of trial and stress? And where can we turn for proper understanding about the recent pandemic?

Preparing for the Coronavirus

A new epidemic known as the Coronavirus has affected many nations, killing thousands in a short period of time. We should prepare now and seek God's mercy and protection during this pandemic.

Where Are We in Prophecy?

The year 2019 has arrived! Exactly where are we today in end-time prophecy? For the best that we can know, listen in to find out our present position in biblical prophecy.
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The Four Horsemen of Revelation

Discover what you can do to survive the four frightful outbursts of violence and turmoil coming upon the world.

The Flu

The Spanish flu, should we worry about it? We are under God's protection.

Hoping for Christ's Return

Events prophesied to happen will be horrific and traumatic, but will result in a remnant who will hope for Christ's return and who will be humbly willing to follow Him.

Diseases Take Their Deadly Toll

Up to a third of the world's population is infected by soil-borne diseases caused by worms and parasites, with 300 million experiencing severe adverse effects.